Torch ProfileTorch Profile

Torch Profile

Torch Profile it’s Category of a blood test called infectious Disease -Antibody Titer (IDAT). Torch Screen is a test for detecting infectious in pregnant Women or newborn, Because these On to infection may be passed on to a fetes during pregnancy. Doctor usually performs some components of the TORCH screen routinely when a woman has her first prenatal visit. They may perform other components if a woman shows symptoms of certain diseases during the pregnancy. These diseases can cross the placenta and cause birth defects in the newborn.


TORCH Profile test measure the presence of antibodies in form of (IgG or IgM) against a specific group of infectious disease or their level of Concentration in the blood. TORCH is a acronym for a group of five infection disease.

  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Other Disease (like syphilis)
  • Rubella
  • Cytomega virus
  • Herpes Simplex virus

Why Need This Test:

This test need when patient is pregnant. This test may also be done on new born babies to Possible to diagnose any possible infections.

Torch Profile

How The Test Performed:

A Blood Sample Needed, Serum, or Plasma.


Bring the specimen and test components to room temperature ( of refrigerator or frozen), Open the pouch at the notch and remove the device, Each kit Contains.

  • 10 pannel devices
  • 10 plastic droppers
  • 2 Sample diluents
  • 1 Package insert

Place the test device on a clean, flat surface label with specimen id number. Fill the plastic dropper with specimen, Dispense 1 drop of serum into the Sample well in each panel (avoid air bubbles), and add 2 drop of sample diluent to the Sample wells in each panel. Set up the timer and read the result after 10 minutes.

Conclusion Of Result:

Result is negative and their is no infection because IgG and IgM is absent.

IgM Positive:

IgM antibodies present in the sample of patient, it indicate Acute Infection.

IgG Positive:

If IgG antibodies present in the sample of patient, its indicate past/latent Infection.

Both IgG and IgM Positive:

IgG and IgM both antibodies present in Sample of patient, It indicate Latent Acute infection or Recurrent infection.

By Mehfooz Ali

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