Green Modern Medical Center Presentation 11Green Modern Medical Center Presentation 11

Bacteria and Virus Difference

Bacteria and Virus Difference, Viruses cause infections by entering and multiplying inside the host’s healthy cells. It can be difficult to know what causes an infection because viral and bacterial infections can cause similar symptoms.

Virus Bacteria
The virus is smaller than bacteria and its size is 20-400 nm. Bacteria is visible only under a light microscope.
The virus is visible only under an Electron microscope. Bacteria are visible only under a light microscope.
The virus needs a host for replication. Bacteria can reproduce outside the host.
The virus is dead when it is outside the host. Bacteria are considered Living Organisms.
Viruses contain either RNA or DNA. DNA by RNA is Present freely in the cytoplasm.
Viruses don’t have cells. Bacteria is Unicellular microorganism.
Only Protein coat and virus have no cell wall. Lipopolysaccharides and Peptidoglycan are Present in the cell wall.
Viruses are not beneficial it is always Pathogenic. Bacteria can be harmful or beneficial.
Viruses cause systemic Infection. Bacteria cause localized Infection.
Viruses replicate within the host cells and release copies. Bacteria reproduce by binary fission.
Antiviral medicines and drugs are used to treat viral Infections. Antibiotics are used for bacterial treatment.
Viruses don’t contain ribosomes. Bacteria contain Ribosomes.

By Mehfooz Ali

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