Sodium and Potassium

Sodium and Potassium is a blood test that measures the sodium and potassium in your blood. Sodium and potassium are essential for human health. They are important ions in the body and are associated with many physiologic and pathophysiologic processes. There are many clinical conditions in which the determination of sodium and potassium is very important. A flame photometer is the best method to determine sodium and potassium in serum. For Example,

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Uremia
  • Cholera

Therefore, it is important to have a flame photometer inside the laboratory and if there is a little hemolysis in such samples, such samples should be discarded. Some workers have also reported that by tying a tourniquet and opening and closing the fist while taking a blood sample, the potassium level in the blood increases. Therefore, the tourniquet should not be tied while taking potassium sample.

Sodium and Potassium

Is This Test Have Other Name

Serum Sodium, Potassium Level, Serum Electrolyte,

How The Test Is Performed:

A Blood Sample Needed.

Principle Of Sodium:

Precipitation of sodium occurs in the sample and a substance called Sodium Uranyl Acetate is formed. Then it is dissolved in water and measured photometrically. Then mix and 25-20 C for ten minutes and 5 minutes Incubate at -37 C and then absorbance against sample and standard is taken.

Sodium and Potassium

What Does the Result Mean:

The normal Value of Sodium is 2.8 to 4.5 mg/dl


If the level of potassium in the blood is less than the normal amount, it is called hypokalemia.


  • Renal tubular acidosis
  • Chronic pyelonephritis
  • Hormonal effect
  • Too much of vomiting
  • Dysentery


If the level of potassium in the blood exceeds the normal amount, it is called hyperkalemia. And the potassium level becomes high in the following conditions.

  • Acute chronic renal failure
  • Disorders
  • Sickle cell Syndrome
  • Acute intestinal obstruction

How does a high or low sodium-potassium ratio impact autoimmune conditions?

While it does not appear that much has been studied regarding a low sodium-potassium ratio, it seems clear that there is a negative effect on heart health and an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (and overall mortality) in those with a sodium-potassium ratio that is too high. Other research has suggested a connection between these levels and certain types of cancer. If excess sodium is excreted from the body, sodium deficiency occurs in the body and this is called Hyponatremia.

Principle Of Potassium:

There is precipitation of potassium in the sample and it forms potassium sodium cobalt. And it is measured photometrically. An alkaline solution of cobalt in the presence of an amino acid, for example, glycine, reduces its color and turns blue, which we measure.

Clinical Evaluation:

Many affect potassium and potassium levels in the patient. The names of these medicines are as follows.

  • Steroids
  • Dire tics

Apart from this, some medicines increase or decrease the flow of urine and due to this, there is an excess of salts in the body. For example, in diabetic patients, especially in a diabetic coma, when insulin is given and when it is given in the form of an infusion, potassium moves in the cells, and there is a lack of potassium in the body. And this condition is called Hypokalemia.

Sodium and Potassium

By Mehfooz Ali

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